Posts Tagged ‘fairness


Ups, downs, and hard pills

Today has been a day of ups and downs. Frustration at those who would remain silent because of selfishness, joy over those willing to risk everything to protect others.

Today, Sonya Sotomayor took a stand at the SCOTUS. She stated, on official record, that sexual orientation should be a protected class. She stated that prejudice against anyone based on their orientation is discriminatory and should be illegal. She managed to get the attorney, the very man charged with defending Prop 8, that this was so. On record. That was a certain up.

Today I worked for hours, calling here there and yonder (yes, I said yonder) to help my state and city provide valuable information on fair housing, preventing discrimination, and helping others. I managed to chase down new contacts to help me in that mission. Another certain up.

Today, I saw an amazing outpouring of support for love. I saw dozens myself, and evidence of millions of others who stand on the side of love. BIG up.

I watched a friend stand up and speak, asking those who have refused to protect her in the past to do so now. I watched as those same people, who have sometimes been difficult, support her and thank her for her words. Yet another WONDERFUL up.

I watched legislators in my state stand up for the civil rights of others, their friends, family, and loved ones. I watched as they took an unpopular stand to support civil equality in a place that often works to remove it. And that was one more up.

Sadly, I also watched as angry men screamed. I watched as people claiming to love God and each other, blatantly use that same name to support and legalize hate. I watched as an elected official said he refused the will of others and that he, as a “God fearing Christian” would do only God’s will. That children are being gunned down in schools because God has been removed from them. That he would vote “God’s will! NOT that of my left wing liberal counterparts”. That would be a down.

I see the progress, but I see the hate. Sometimes the hate is just such a hard pill to swallow. I think I just won’t.

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